Health is wellness of the body, the mind, and the soul; their alignment with one another is the art of living well.


Wisdom is understanding of the self, others, and the nature of things; it is essential to  living as if everything is a miracle.
Your Happiness Recipe

You need wisdom to be happy -- the wisdom to know what happiness really is, and how to become happy. More importantly, you need the wisdom to know who you really are, and not who you wish you were. Without this wisdom, you will be striving and struggling for happiness, which is forever unattainable to you.

Happiness is a positive emotional condition. You feel good about yourself. It is about feelings of sustained joy over an event or through a period of time. It can be the quiet joy of a parent looking on his or her sleeping child; it can also be the intense joy of a sports fan over scoring a winning goal.

Happiness is all about life satisfaction: getting what you most care about in your life; that is, you see your life as having enough of the things you care about, even though you may not feel happy all the time. In general, the satisfaction of life gives you an overall feeling of happiness.

Many Americans report that they are not very happy in their day-to-day life and living; evidently, something is missing for most Americans. Therefore, it is important to address this issue of unhappiness that may have an impact on their overall health and well-being.

Also, it is important to develop our own recipes for happiness through looking at ancient wisdom from the East and the West, conventional wisdom, and spiritual wisdom.

A happiness recipe is like a GPS that guides us in the direction of the different destinations we are heading. Some of us may choose the highways; others may prefer local or toll-free routes. Likewise, a happiness recipe is a matter of personal choice and preference, based on each individual’s own past and present life experiences, as well as the core values of that individual.

Core values are not life goals, which have to be pursued and achieved in order to give an individual happiness; core values, on the other hand, are beliefs of an individual in humanity that have to be lived, rather than just being acknowledged, in order to fully experience the innate happiness in humanity. Remember, your core values are your beliefs that are meaningful only to you, giving you happiness now and then. They may be something held in common by many people, or they may not be. Your core values are meaningful only to you, regardless of whether they are meaningful to anyone you know. Therefore, you do not have to remodel your life to live the core values of others. Of course, you may want to adapt your life to transform yourself if you appreciate some of the core values of others. That explains why you need creativity to try a new recipe, or change some of the ingredients in your current recipe.

Remember, you are living a life in which you spend a lot of your time engaged in actions that are an expression of your core values, as well as a reflection of the person you are meant to be. These actions, or rather your perceptions by your thinking mind of these actions, give you happiness or unhappiness-that is why you need wisdom to take these right actions.

Bottom line: it is humanly possible to be happier more of the time and to experience higher quality happiness than you have ever felt before. Just learn from some of the real-life examples expressed, and become wiser and happier!

To find out more about how to make your own happiness recipe for your own life journey, click here.

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Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau
Living with better human relationships is almost impossible without letting go: let go of your material attachments that define your ego-self; let go of your emotional attachments, such as anger, anxiety, regret, that may lead to stress and mental issues. Appreciate the miracle of letting go to let God in order to live as if everything is a miracle
Health is wellness of the body, the mind, and the soul; their alignment with one another is the art of living well.


Wisdom is understanding of the self, others, and the nature of things; it is essential to  living as if everything is a miracle.
   My Way! No Way! TAO Is The Way!
This is a unique approach to depression, a universal mind disorder in a world of depression.

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               NO EGO NO STRESS

The human ego is the underlying source of all human unhappiness in contemporary living.

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Happiness or unhappiness is only a perception of the human mind. That is why you need wisdom to change your thinking mind in order to change the "realities" you perceive, making you happy or unhappy.

This 161-page book shows you how ancient wisdom from the East and the West, conventional wisdom, and spiritual wisdom may enlighten you. Also, the book provides many real-life examples reported in the news and the media to illustrate how and why happiness or unhappiness occurs to humans.

Your life journey is uniquely yours, and so are your life experiences. This book provides you with happiness ingredients, but you have to make your own recipe.

To get your digital copy, click here; to get your paperback copy, click here.
One of the happiness ingredients is spiritual wisdom. But spiritual wisdom is hard to come by: you need profound human wisdom to begin the intent of seeking spiritual wisdom.

TAO The Way to Biblical Wisdom
by Stephen Lau

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Learn and understand the ancient human wisdom from China in order to attain Biblical wisdom.

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